The Otrona Attache was a compact Z80-based CP/M portable computer produced from 1982 to 1984 by Otrona Advanced Systems Corporation of Boulder, Colorado. It was much smaller and lighter than its contemporary competitors made by Osborne and Kaypro. It also had better graphics capability and used 360k diskettes which held four times more than the Osborne I's. These benefits meant that it was accordingly more expensive and didn't sell very well. Fewer than 10,000 were built over those 3 years, including the Otrona Attache 8:16 which had an 8086 processor and was MS-DOS compatible. Otrona unfortunately went out of business before they could sell very many of the Attache's 8088-based successor, the Otrona 2001.
This webpage is still under construction, and since Otrona Attaches are cool little guys, I do hope to add more to it in the near future. (How many times have you heard that?)
• • Known Attaches
#1919 2nd style disk drives
#1461 1st style disk drives
#XXXX 1st style disk drives
#XXXX 1st style disk drives
#1701 2nd style disk drives, other green screen
#1719 2nd style disk drives, other green screen
#XXXX 2nd style disk drives, non-coiled keyboard cord
#3385 3rd style disk drives
#4133 3rd style disk drives
#4446 1st style disk drives
#4758 1st style disk drives, other green screen
#5300 3rd style disk drives
#6181 3rd style disk drives
#6418 3rd style disk drives
#XXXX 3rd style disk drives
#XXXX 3rd style disk drives
#XXXX 3rd style disk drives
#XXXX 3rd style disk drives
#8007 3rd style disk drives
• • Ephemera and print ads
• • System stats
under construction
• • Videos
under construction
• • Otrona links
Wikipedia • Otrona
WPS • Otrona Attache 8:16 diskette images
Retro Archive • Otrona
• • Buy system diskettes
The Otrona Attache came with one 360k diskette with CP/M, MBASIC-80, WordStar, Charton, and various Attache-specific utilities. In addition to this, I have a box of diskettes with programming languages, games, and other software. Since this is a fairly rare machine which uses its own disk format, you won't be able to do much with your Attache if its diskettes are missing. I can send you a spreadsheet listing the contents of the disks I have and can make copies for you for a modest fee to cover my costs. Contact me at schreibstang /at/ gmail /dot/ com.
• • Update log
2014-03-03: Webpage created.
2024-04-05: Webpage uploaded to Neocities with an updated introductory paragraph and image.
2024-04-10: Added 2 more ephemera images.
home • otrona attache • keep it safe in the jacket
• copyright © 2014-2024 by a doberman called fox • made on a mac • last updated: 10 april 2024 •